Satisfactory Academic Progress – Graduate Students

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

学生必须满足满意的学业进步(SAP),以保持有资格获得联邦学生援助和机构援助. 一个机构的SAP政策必须包括一个定量的度量(最大的时间框架和完成的速度), qualitative measure (GPA), 并须指明定期测量SAP的时间间隔(每年不少于一次)。. SAP政策必须与没有接受联邦学生援助和机构援助的同一项目学生的学术政策相同或更严格.

For programs longer than one year in length, SAP evaluations will be completed at the end of each spring term. 这项审查将确定即将到来的秋季联邦学生援助和机构援助的SAP状态, winter, spring and summer terms.

For programs lasting one year or less, SAP评估将在每学期结束时完成,并将确定下学期联邦学生援助和机构援助的SAP状态. Reviews cannot take place until final grades have been posted.

Quantitative Standard

Maximum Time-Frame

学生必须在第一学期课程开始后的七年内完成硕士学位课程. The maximum timeframe is not extended for students who change programs.


Graduate students must earn at least 67 percent of their attempted credits.


  • Retroactively added credit hours, added after the conclusion of the drop/add period are considered attempted.
  • 如果学生在相应学期的退加期结束时正式注册了一个学分,但课程教授或院长办公室随后证明该学生从未参加过该课程,那么该课程将被追溯性地退修.

Qualitative Standard

学生必须保持至少3的最低累积平均绩点(GPA).0 based on the number of credits completed. In addition, 学生在圣·霍普金斯大学就读期间,研究生学业成绩不得有任何F级和不超过两个C级. Michael’s College.


Incompletes and Withdrawals

“I”和“WD”成绩在计算进度时被视为已尝试但未完成的课程. These courses also count toward the maximum timeframe.

Audited Courses

Audited courses are excluded from SAP and not eligible for federal aid.

Pass/Fail Courses

These hours count toward the total attempted and if passed, earned hours. They do not impact a student’s GPA.

Repeat Courses

一门课程是指学生多次学习相同内容的同一门课程. In cases where the course subject and number repeat, but new content is provided the course is not considered to be repeated. 在计算学生的GPA、尝试和获得的学分时,所有课程的尝试都包括在内.


  • Transfer credits are counted as hours attempted and completed. Transfer credits are not considered when calculating a student’s GPA.

Credits earned before enrolling in a degree program

  • Credits taken while a non-degree student at Saint Michael’s College, 但在计算学生的尝试学分和获得学分以及计算学生的平均绩点时,这些学分都包含在学生的研究生学位中.


SAP Evaluations

For programs longer than one year in length, annual SAP evaluations will be completed at the end of each spring term. 对于持续一年或更短时间的项目,SAP评估将在每学期结束时完成.

Students are measured against both the qualitative and the quantitative standards. 在成绩处理和学业进展评估完成后,学生有责任通知学生财务服务部门任何成绩变化.

If a student is not meeting SAP, 学生获得联邦学生援助和机构援助的资格被终止,学生将被通知. 该通知为学生提供了有关SAP标准和上诉程序的信息.

If a student was placed on Financial Aid Probation based on a previous appeal, 他们的学习进度将在每学期结束后进行审查,以验证他们是否符合学术计划的条件.


由于未能保持令人满意的学业进步(SAP),学生可以根据情有可原的情况提出上诉,终止经济援助. 建议学生在收到终止通知之日起30天内提出上诉. All appeals must be submitted using the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form. 学生必须清楚地说明他们未能达到SAP标准的原因,以及哪些变化将使学生在未来达到标准. 上诉由学生财务服务和学术事务的工作人员组成的委员会审查.

Appeal Form

Financial Aid Probation

如果学生未能达到令人满意的学业进步标准,并且根据成功的上诉,其经济援助资格已被恢复,则授予缓刑状态. During a period of financial aid probation, 符合所有其他资格要求的学生仍然有资格获得联邦援助. 如果学生遵守学业计划的条款,他们将继续处于试用期.

学生在经济援助试用期间的学业进展是审查每个付款期,以确保学生继续满足他或她的学术计划的条款. If they are not meeting the terms of the academic plan, eligibility for federal student aid and institutional aid is terminated.

Academic Plan

An academic plan indicates the specific actions the student will take to meet SAP. 如果学生在下一个付款期结束时不符合SAP标准, 学业计划必须显示学生在每个付款期将达到的具体GPA和完成率基准,直到他们达到SAP标准. 完整的SAP申诉表格和支持文件应提交给学生财务服务.

The student shall remain on financial aid probation, provided they comply with their academic plan, until they are meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.

Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility
